REMOTE BCBA Supervision



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ABA Supervisors provides affordable and ethical supervision to trainees accruing fieldwork hours towards fulfilling eligibility requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA ®) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® (BCaBA ®) certification with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB ®).

• Monitor your skills throughout your supervised fieldwork.
• Develop and communicate performance expectations. 
• Conduct behavioral skills training 
• Observe your performance with clients and provide feedback.
• Model professional, ethical, and technical behavior.
• Guide the development of case conceptualization, problem solving, and decision-making. 
• Review and provide feedback for your written materials. 
• Oversee and evaluate the effects of your behavior-analytic service delivery.
• Evaluate the effects of supervision.  
• Allow unlimited emails to supervisor with responses within 24 hours.
• Ensure PHIPA and PIDEDA (and HIPAA) compliance.
• Provide unlimited unrestricted activities (at least 60% of supervised fieldwork must be spent engaged in unrestricted activities).
• Provide quick payment options with Interac e-Transfer (Interac e-Transfer payments can be made to [email protected]); Stripe; and PayPal.
• All prices are in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
I accept clients located in the Unted States. However, you need to ensure that you and your supervisor are in compliance with your local and state licensing requirements and/or regulations. There may be additional bank fees for currency exchange.

PLEASE NOTE: I will work with you on scheduling and documentation. However, ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure you are in compliance with BACB® eligibility requirements (requirement subject to change, always refer to the BACB® for latest updates):
• Min of 20 hrs - max of 130 fieldwork hours/month. 
• 5% supervised  hours required per month in Supervised Fieldwork category; 10%  supervised  hours required per month in Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork category.
• 4 contacts with supervisor required per month in Supervised Fieldwork category; 6 contacts for Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork category.
• 1 observation of you working with a client required per month.
• You can start accruing fieldwork hours once you: a) begin qualifying coursework; b) secure a qualified supervisor (e.g., one who has been practicing for at least one year and completed an 8-hour supervision course); c) sign a supervision contract; and d) create a BACB® gateway account.


BCBA Supervision ABA Supervision


Schedule weekly one-hour meeting blocks with your supervisor (15-minute and 30-minute blocks are available, if necessary). You will be provided with a Calendly calendar link.
• It is best practice to schedule a recurring weekly meeting with your supervisor to ensure you have a minimum of 4 contacts with your supervisor per month.
• Also, be sure to schedule a 30-minute block for o
bservation of you working with a client once per month. You can upload the video (with appropriate permissions) to a specified PHIPA/HIPAA compliant video platform link. Videos can be asynchronous (recorded) or synchronous (via PHIPA compliant live stream).

Source: BCBA Fieldwork Supervision Requirements (version 05/2020.) May 2020. Copyright © 2020 by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board,® Inc. (“BACB®”)

Disclaimer: BCBA®, BACB® [or any other BACB® trademark used] is registered to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® BACB®. and ABA Supervisors are not in any way sponsored by or affiliated with the BACB®.